Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blizzard Pictures

Yes, I went out in the middle of a blizzard and took pictures. It was worth the trek through the snow to get these shots (which are just a small sample of the many I took).

One of the few trees in the open field out beyond my backyard.

The birdhouse picture is my favorite of the bunch.

Yup, it was definitely blizzard-like.

Love this one with the birdhouse in the distance.

This one is looking out on the field that borders my back yard. So pretty.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Holiday Weekend Review

What a great weekend this was. There truly is nothing like the magic of Christmas...I am so glad I have kids to remind me of that.

One of the best moments of the whole weekend was on Christmas morning. Julia came downstairs, saw all of her presents under the tree and exclaimed (with a combination of shock and joy), "Mama, I was a good girl!" She is so funny. She really takes everything about the traditions and stories of Christmas quite seriously. She asked me numerous times about people getting coal in their stocking and was legitimately concerned that the Grinch would try to steal our Christmas.

We spent a good part of day today opening and assembling toys and organizing the house. Opening the toys was like trying to break in to Fort Knox. I don't remember toys being so hard to get in to when I was a kid, but, then again, I wasn't the one opening them. I am probably just forgetting.

I am looking forward to the week off with the kids. Hopefully, it will be a relaxing and enjoyable week.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Things That have Been On My Mind

(in list form out of sheer laziness).

-I am wondering if it is wrong that I am already looking forward to the summer even though winter hasn't even officially begun yet. It's probably not healthy. Really fast forwarding though the entire month of March would be good enough.

-I am thinking that I should make a New Year's Resolution in which I resolve to go to bed by 10 at least 3 of 7 nights a week.

-I am very impressed with the amount of Christmas shopping I have done already but even more impressed with the amount that is wrapped...and two full weeks before Christmas!

-The Blackberry Torch is awesome.

-I need to go on a "reading retreat." Seriously I have such a backlog of books I want to read going on right now and I never seem to get enough "reading time" in. Before bed every night just isn't enough.

-I have an idea book...a place to keep track of the many ideas I get from day to day. This is great but I need to be better about making all the great ideas come to fruition.

-Also, I need to stop being afraid to ask for help. Some of the ideas I have are BIG...and taking in to consideration the rest of my everyday life, there is no way it would be possible to make them happen without assistance.

-And now? I need to go to bed...at 10:30...not so bad.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ring Ring Ring

I don't like to talk on the phone. Actually, I pretty much hate it. It is much worse for me from an anxiety perspective when I actually have to talk to someone on the phone that I don't know. Even when it is someone who I am completely comfortable with (who are far and few between) I still would rather talk in person or even better through some other form of communication (email, text).

Whoever invented caller id is my hero. When the phone rings and I can see who it is calling, I can make a decision about whether I want to talk. I have to be in the mood to talk and in the right frame of mind. I can almost guarantee that if someone is calling from a number I don't recognize or worse, from a blocked line, I won't answer. I am just not comfortable being put on the spot.

Another phone related issue...when someone calls and does not leave a message. Even more annoying than that...when someone calls repeatedly and doesn't leave a message. Obviously if you are calling me you have something to say. I have a voice mail so you can say it, so would you, pretty please?

So, to the person who has called multiple times today (at least I am guessing it is the same person but regardless) not only from a blocked line but also not leaving a message: Unblock your number and I may answer and for the love of God leave a message!

P.S. Yes, I know have a little stranger/social anxiety. Knowing is half the battle though right?