Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'll Be Back...Eventually

I have hardly updated here at all lately. It's been such a fun, relaxing and enjoyable summer, and while I have missed updating here, I wouldn't trade a minute of the time I have been spending with Ryun and the girls. We have spent more time together this summer as a family with Ryun and the kids being home and it had been so nice.

I am getting only slightly excited about school starting next week. It will be nice in some respects to have a schedule back in place. It will be a less hectic schedule since the kids won't be dancing this year which, although I am sad that the reason they won't be dancing is strictly financial, I am not going to complain about being less busy.

Anyway, whether I like it or not, they start next week, and I should be making appearances here more frequently when they do.

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