Monday, April 5, 2010

Sugar Coma

Apparently, I was in one because Easter has passed? And I did not take a SINGLE picture! My sister took a few, including a great one of all four kids (my three girls and her son), so at least I will have some "documentation" that Easter actually occurred. We had a nice relaxing day, a good dinner, and the kids had fun playing.

I did manage to forget, for a day anyway, about the very disappointing results of the override vote and the selectman's race. There was one constant, nagging reminder and that was the sunburn on the back of my neck. I was standing outside all day Saturday holding signs and put sunscreen everywhere except there. Oops...and ouch. I am so sad about the results and what it means for the kids. I don't know what the next step will be but rest assured, the fight is far from over.

Today is going to be all about paperwork, phone calls, emails, and work. This is not exactly how I would like to be spending this gorgeous day but it's life, you know?

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