Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Tonight's agenda: Mom plays taxi! How is this different from any other night? Well, it isn't really! Although sometimes Dad plays taxi too. Tonight looks like this: bring Kate to basketball practice, leave to bring Em to PTSA (sad I am going to miss), go back to get Kate, then back to Nichols to get Em.

This could be less confusing if I wasn't trying to avoid bringing Julia out past her bed time. Julia goes to bed every night at 7PM and still wakes up at 7AM tired. As much as kindergarten seems to agree with her, this is undoubtedly a side effect. She has always tired more easily (both physically and mentally) than other kids her age. It would also be less annoying if I could drive a stick shift and if Ryun's car sat more than two people comfortably.

Oh well. Such is life.

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