Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Julia's Appointment Etc.

It occurred to me that I never updated with the details of Julia's appointment with the developmental pediatrician. It was basically all that I thought it would be, with the exception of the doctor stopping short of making a formal diagnosis, due mainly to Julia's age and developmental history. The truth of the matter is? Julia has always been below or on the lower end of what would be considered normal developmentally, and the acquisition of her social skills might be the same. The doctor did have me fill out a rating scale to get sort of a feel of where she might be on the spectrum (we both lean toward Asperger's) but wanted to wait a little longer before recommending formal testing, due to these skills still being in the developing stage. We have an appointment scheduled in April to follow up and we'll go from there.

On a separate, but sort of related note, today was "parent observation" day at dance. It was the first time I have had the chance to watch because Julia was out sick the last time. She really seems to enjoy it and although it is apparent that she is having a little more difficulty with the coordination and balance part than the others, she is participating and seems to be enjoying herself. I wonder if this will all translate on stage at the end of the year when it comes to recital time. She definitely isn't interacting with the other kids much if at all, but, like the difficulty with the coordination and balance, I sort of expected this. All that really matters is that she is having fun, and that definitely seems to be true.

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