...chasing your husband down the highway, finally getting him to pull over, then standing on the side of the highway in your Santa Claus Christmas pajamas, hair uncombed to hand off...his cell phones.
Yes, that really happened.
Emily got up a little earlier than normal today to finish up a homework assignment that she didn't want to do last night. When she went over to the counter to get her breakfast, she saw both Ryun's work and personal cell phones still plugged in to the charger. Ryun had left about five minutes before. She ran in to my room and told me. I, knowing that he stops at the Dunkin Donuts just about a mile up the road every morning, went from barely awake, to flying out the door and into the car, driving at high speeds to try and catch him before he left. I missed him by a second, and saw him pulling out of the parking lot as I was about to drive in. There was one car in front of us, so I flicked the high beams a couple of times in hopes that he might notice me. He didn't and proceeded to get on to 495 North. I was directly behind him at this point, and was flashing my high beams at him like crazy. He made no indication that he saw me at all, so I switched in to the left lane, gunned it so I could get my car level with his, rolled the window down, held the cell phone up and screamed on the top of my lungs, "RYUN PULL OVER." He says he didn't hear me but happened to glance over and saw that it was me. I moved over in front of him, and we both pulled into the breakdown lane.
So, if you were driving between exits 3 and 4 this morning and thought you saw some crazy lady in Santa Claus pajamas and untamed red(ish) hair on the side of the road? No, you weren't hallucinating.
The lengths I'll go to sometimes are indescribable, but as Ryun put it, "Hey, at least you'll have something to blog about today."