Friday, July 18, 2008


The next couple of days will involve major packing(we are leaving for our camping trip to NH on Sunday), swimming at my parents, and general house cleaning. I am happy to say, that despite my total lack of motivation this past week, I have actually managed to start the packing process, and, I have written three scheduled posts which will show up here on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday of next week, around 12:30pm. I have a few more posts in my head that I just need to find the time to compose, so if time allows, I may have some more scheduled for the rest of the week. Some topics I want to post about include Julia's appointment with the developmental pediatrician and what the doctor has officially diagnosed her with, Some concerns I have regarding Emily, a few education-related posts that will end up over at the education blog, and probably a few other things that are escaping my memory right now.

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