Monday, April 17, 2006


So, I survived my first official hosting of Easter dinner. It was nice actually, and everyone thought the food was good, so yay.

I have no idea why I worry about such things. Just because I don't like to cook doesn't mean I can't. Actually, I am pretty good at it.

We had 20 people in all, including my family. We had to seat 17 though (Julia was in her high chair and my two nephews are too little to actually be seated at the table). We had two tables set, which I should have taken a picture of. They looked really nice.

My parents took Emily and Katherine to the Cape over night(they own a timeshare and this is their week). I just got off of the phone with them and it sounds like they are having a good time. My father is going to bring them home after they take them out to dinner tonight.

Ryun is going to join me at Julia's PT appointment this afternoon. I am kind of excited about having him come see how it all works, as he has never been.

Anyway, I am going to go get some things done before we head out. I will probably be back later at some point.

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