Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Neurologist Report

I spoke with the neurologist today about Emily's seizure yesterday. He explained to me that because she has stopped taking Depakote and is not at the full dosage for her weight on the Lamictal, that she is at an increased risk for having seizures. She is on 75 mg now and needs to be at 100mg for her to be considered to have "full coverage."
Unfortunately, the dosage can only be increased at two week intervals so she won't be at 100mg for another 2 weeks(she just started the 75mg dose on Sunday). At that point, if she still has seizures, we will know that Lamictal is not working for her and change her medicine again if needed.
I am not really quite sure when the shock of this whole thing is going to wear off...or if it ever will. Will this ever be just "a problem we deal with" not accompanied by the pounding headache and tears that seem to fill my eyes every time a new situation with her arises?

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