Friday, August 13, 2004

Emily Update

Emily's blood work came back fine. One of her liver enzymes was a little elevated but it was apparently nothing to be concerned about.
She has had two more occasions of wetting at night so I will definitely be mentioning this at her follow up at Children's. She has never wet the bed before, even when she was being trained at night so for her to do it four times in a month's time seems to me to be worthy of mentioning.
She has also been experiencing rather dramatic mood swings and basically cries at the drop of a hat. This too has been since she started the medication. Emily has always been a very emotional child, but lately, she has been way over the top.
I am of course glad that the medicine is controlling the seizures but I do feel like these other issues need to be addressed.
I really am not sure what can be done. Maybe there is another medicine we can try? Whatever the outcome, the main thing is of course seizure control and as long as I never have to see that again, I will be happy.

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