Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Emily starts soccer on Thursday...how cute is that?!?! I can't believe how fast time goes...that she is even old enough to play youth soccer is just amazing to me. She is excited. She is so full of energy and excitement for life in general, this comes as no shock. I can't wait to be a "soccer mom"!
Emily is going to be one busy little girl! She has her musical theatre class at The Burtwood School For Performing Arts on Tuesday's, Girl Scout's on Wednesday's, soccer practice on Thursday's and soccer games on Sunday afternoons. Whew! I don't believe in "overscheduling" my children but she wants do all of these things and I am certainly not going to deny her. Besides, she thrives when she is kept busy. Emily is not one to sit around...always on the go she is.
I have also decided to take over as her Girl Scout leader next year. The current leader is resigning due to time constraints. I jumped at the opportunity...Girl Scouts was my favorite activity as a child and I loved having my mother involved. Emily is thrilled that I will be "in charge" as she put it and I am looking forward to planning all kinds of fun and educational activities for the girls.

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