Friday, October 26, 2001

America The Beautiful

"It is often during the worst of times that we see the best of humanity-awakening within the ordinary that which is most sublime. I do not believe that it is the circumstance that produces such greatness any more than it is the canvas that makes the artist. Adversity merely presents the surface on which we render our souls' most exacting likeness. It is in the darkest skies that stars are best seen." Richard Paul Evans, The Letter
Like most Americans, I am shocked and saddened by the events of September 11. Although I was not nor did I know anyone who was directly affected by the attacks, as an American I believe everyone was affected in some way. For me, it has made me realize how lucky I am. I have a loving and supportive husband and family and two of the most beautiful children in the whole world. It has made me realize that in an instant, life can change dramatically and we should remember to tell the people we love that we do. It has given me a whole new outlook on firefighters and police officers. I always new that people in those proffesions saved lives without regard to their own...I just never knew to what extent.
The other day, I was on my way out the door with Emily and Katie. When we got outside, there was a firetruck in front of our neighbors house(apparently nothing serious, someone just fell). Emily went right over to the firefigher and said to him, "Your a hero, you save people's lives." The firefighter was so touched that he shook her hand and showed her around his truck. He made her day and she made his. The whole scene brought a tear to my eye. For everyone who knows Emily, you know that she says some of the sweetest things. Still, I was amazed at her understanding of what the firefighter did and how important she thought it was to let him know. Her outlook on this whole situation has been remarkably mature for someone of her age. She is only four. She already has her two year old sister singing "It's a Grand Old Flag." Too funny.
I have always considered myself to be some what patriotic. I can even remember studying the American Revolution in the 5th grade and feeling a great pride when I read the line in the textbook that said, "The Patroits had won the war." Never before however, has my pride been as great as it is now. America has never been this united and never before have I been as proud as I am today to say that I am an American.
"And I hear them saying, you'll never change things, and no matter what you do it's still the same thing, but it's not the world that I am changing, I do this so this world will know, that it will not change me." Garth Brooks, The Change
- 10/26/01

Thursday, October 25, 2001

Me and my darn Letters

As most of you already know, I work for Adelphia Communications in Plymouth, MA. I have been there for 5 1/2 years. I do like my job; that is I like the people I work with and I like the work I do. The only real problem I have is that for the past five months, I have been doing the job of a supervisor without any additional pay or even any appreciation. I have taken supervisor calls, forced trouble calls in the system by doing what is referred to as a "must-do", handled dispatch, have inventory codes and training, something that is usually reserved for a supervisor or lead, and have been left "in charge" by various supervisors when they leave. After five months, I decided that I felt taken advantadge of and unappreciated, so I wrote a letter to two of my direct supervisors. I also addressed issues such as overnight staff having just as much right to vacation and sick time as the day people and, how when someone is absent(for whatever reason) from their ovrnight shift, their shift needs to be filled. There was one occasion where someone was on a scheduled vacation day and someone else called in. As a result, I had to work from 4:30PM Saturday until 8:00AM Sunday...a fifteen hour overnight shift. On many other occasions, we have been left short handed. Anyway,the letter was very kind and professional...I presented the problems and offered possible solutions, as well as had a face to face follow-up indicating that I was willing to help in whatever way I could. Not to brag or toot my own horn, but I write a pretty good letter and usually, I see some results. Unfortunately, other than a compliment on my letter writing skills, I saw nothing, not even so much as a thank you for what you do etc. I was shocked to say the least. Aside from doing the job of a supervisor and deserving to be paid like one, I at the very least thought I would get a little appreciation. So, now, I am at somewhat of a crossroads. I am tempted to just stop...stop doing everything that I do and let them see just how much they need me. However, being the helpful and kind person that I am, I feel bad leaving my fellow employees and the customers in a lurch, especially, knowing full well that I am able to help. But really, why should I continue if I am not going to get even the slightest amount of aprreciation (other than from my fellow CSSR's)? In my mind, I deserve the money, but in my heart, I just want a little recognition. Thats all, and I really don't think that is too much to ask. Sometimes I feel that part of this is my fault. For those of you who know me and know me well, you know that I am very easy-going, very willing to help, and very forgiving. Soemtimes, I think that these traits are good times like this though, I feel like I should be a little more aggressive, or rather assertive. I feel like I am being walked all over, like they just assume that, "Sharon's here so I can leave and feel comfortable knowing things will go well." I guess it is a good thing that they have confidence in me and my abilities but I really feel that I deserve more than that. I am still not sure what to do so I will have to continue to think about it and see which path I feel will lead in the right direction...if there is one.
9:30AM - 10/25/01

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Buffy, Friendlys, and another famous letter!

I just finished watching an episode of Buffy with Ryun. It was pretty good. For those of you who may watch, I really like what they are doing with the relationship between Spike and Buffy. For those of you who do not watch and have no idea what I am talking about, you should start! The title, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is really kind of misleading...there is a lot more to the show than just vampires. I have to admit, when Ryun suggested I watch it with him a few years back, I was not too keen on the idea, but now, well, lets just say I'm hooked. If you are interested, it is on Tuesday nights at 8:00PM on UPN. If you want to catch it from the beginning of the series, they just started playing season one episodes nightly at 7:00Pm on FX.
Anyway, I just came down to my computer to write a letter to Friendlys in Plymouth. On Friday, after running a few errands for my mother, I decided to take my children, Emily and Katie for lunch. The service was horrible and something that should have taken no more than an hour took close to 2! It wasn't even busy and there was really no excuse, at least not one that was obvious. My kids were hungry and yes, probably a little tired, so they were restless and Katie was crying. You would think that the waitress would do all she could to help least bring out the drinks within a reasonable amount of time. Instead, she took about 15 minutes to ask us if we even wanted a drink and then another 15 to bring the drinks out. Anyway I want to make the manager aware of the service, or rather lack of service I received while there. Who knows? Maybe I will get a coupon for a free icecream for the kids ...which I of course will use in the Middleboro restaurant! ;)
Well, it is getting late and I need to go to bed so I can get up in the morning and be somewhat functional for the girls! Until next time...