Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The other night I had a dream that we had to bring Katie to the ER because of a cut on her hand that was infected and not healing.  For some reason, Ryun and Julia came along.  While we were there, we ran in to the nurse who in "real life" was the nurse we had for all three kids when when they were born.  Ryun and I referred to her as "robo nurse" because though she was very kind and warm, she was also very to the point, and acted somewhat like a robot doing every thing she needed to do.  I loved her and she was the perfect nurse to get me to "attend to the task at hand."  Her name was Glenda.

In the dream she had switched from working with mothers and babies to the ER.  Before she walked in to the room, the air was very tense and I was wondering if they were going to be able to fix Katie's hand.  In the dream, I kept looking at the hand off and on consistently, with a constant stream of negative thoughts about what was about to happen and would could happen if the doctors could not help her,  I remember waking up after the dream wondering why I was so worked up about about her hand,  It was a tiny scratch with a slightly red tinge around it which in reality would never be something I would bring Katie to the ER for.  When Glenda walked in, before she even spoke, this immediate sense of peace, and "everything will be ok" calm came over me.  As she took a look at her hand, and in her matter of fact way assured us she would be fine, the negative thoughts stopped and I felt like everything would be good and Katie would be alright.  We then officially introduced Katie and Julia to her as two kids she had helped bring in to the world and had the typical, "Wow, I can't believe how grown up they have gotten" conversation that always seems to come up when someone has not seen the kids in years (in her case since a day or two after they were born).   The dream ended at that point.

The strongest thing that stood out to me in this dream was the big deal I was making about Katie's hand, which was really nothing more than a scratch.  The feeling of anxiety and stress was intense.  In reality, this past couple of years have not been the easiest for Katie, and by extension, me...nothing earth shattering or life changing...just every day things perhaps magnified by strong emotions from both of us.  Somehow I feel like the small cut on her hand which was not worthy of such an intense reaction from myself was a symbol to put me back in check...not make a mountain out of a molehill so to speak.  The fact that it was Katie's hand was even more telling...to me it symbolized that she may need a little "helping hand" right now, but that she will "heal and be ok."

As for Glenda's part in all of this (someone who I have not thought of in years) the only thing I can come up with is that the name Glenda means fair, good and holy,  Maybe she was representing an angelic, heavenly type figure who was there to reassure.  Maybe it was her real life connection with Katie's start in life showing us that she has "made it through" everything else along the way up to this point, and we will make it through this too.

I love when my dreams reflect my waking life and provide guidance for how to move forward.