I think it is safe to say that breakfast is the hardest meal to stick to 100% whole 30. I hate not being able to have yogurt and I can only have so many eggs before getting bored. Even fruit is getting boring only five days in. I can say with full confidence that as soon as I am done I will be re-introducing dairy and grains of the non-gluten variety. I will limit both but this this strict no cheating allowed situation is not for me.
As continue to go through this I have found that my thinking is changing a bit. I am still positive that gluten is bad news...really bad news. I have done so much reading and research about gluten since Julia's Celiac Disease diagnosis. I am convinced that nothing good comes from gluten, even in small amounts. As for everything else (grains, dairy, legumes etc.), well, I am not convinced that the occasional ingestion of any of these could be a bad thing.
I think that when all is said and done when it comes to health and diet, the best advice I have ever heard is "everything in moderation." I also believe that when dining out and cooking at home even, the opportunity to make better choices is always there. In the past, I have always chosen "easier." I know I can choose "better for me."
So, I am not sure where I am at with this whole 30 thing right now. There are a few things I do know.
1. I will not be re-introducing gluten in to my diet.
2. I will continue to make water my drink of choice with an occasional glass of wine/beer and the once a day cup of coffee which I will sweeten with coconut milk and oil only. I will not be drinking soda in any form or variety.
3. My dairy intake will consist of the occasional yogurt, milk in a bowl of gluten free cereal on occasion, butter in limited quantities (like when used in baking for example), cheese every once in a while.
4. Fried, greasy foods will be so infrequent that I should practically consider them eliminated from my diet. I am not however going to deny myself the very once in a while indulgence.
And the biggest thing of all...
5. I WILL be more thoughtful about my food. I will allow myself the time to plan and make positive decisions about what I am cooking/eating. I will make smarter choices when dining out.