Sunday, August 29, 2010


It has been a busy week.

Monday night: BOS meeting.

Tuesday: PTA meeting.

Wednesday: back to school shopping.

Thursday: Jonas Brothers Camp Rock concert (free tickets my sister won on KISS 108).

Friday: Sean Kingston/Justin Bieber concert, overnight in Providence (Happy 13th Birthday Emily from Aunty Suz).

Saturday: friends birthday party.

Today: niece and nephew's birthday party.

So yeah...I have hardly been at home at all. Clearly this was training for the craziness that comes with the school year schedule which is, sadly, right around the corner.

I am really not looking forward to summer's coming demise. I am sure that I will eventually enjoy being on somewhat of a schedule but for the moment, I am just...sad.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Overheard AtThe Dinner Table

Emily: Dad, why are you so frustrated?

Julia: He's a man...he is always frustrated.

Julia is 6 years old and has already developed quite the insight in to the male mind.

Watch out world (males in particular) she comes! : )

This year... Julia's last year at the MECC (she will have been there for 4 years including public preschool), Kate's last year in elementary school, and Emily's last year in middle school.

So next year? I will have one entering the 1st grade, one starting middle school and one starting high school.

If someone could please figure out how to stop time that would be ok with me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Why do all of my fabulous ideas have to come to me right before I should be thinking about going to bed? Of course, now that the idea is in my head, I won't be able to sleep until I at least start forming a plan to put the idea in to action. It's always been that way for me. It's all good, except for the timing of it all.

Looks like it will be another late night.

Vacation Pictures: The Complete Set

You can find the pictures here. This truly is one of the most beautiful places. Check it out!

Julia: Dennis, 2010

Below are some of a set of pictures I took of Julia while on vacation. These were taken on the porch as the sun shined in. I love how these came out!

The one below this is my favorite of the bunch. Sunkissed and sweet!

Friday, August 13, 2010

In the things I should do more often department...

...we have:

Go outside, just after dark, sit out on the deck with the kids, listen to the sounds of night time and watch for shooting stars.

Very relaxing. Very relaxing indeed.

My message... the Middleboro BOS:

"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

Note I did not say:

"If you can't take the heat, tell the public to shut their collective mouths."

Just for clarification.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Dr. Bottero Road Dennis, MA

In case you were wondering what heaven's address is.

Look...I even have proof.